Wednesday, November 28, 2012

surprise yourself!

So this post is different than most we've done before. Instead of a normal DIY post this one is going to be targeted around a whole room. It will offer ideas that will hopefully be motivators for a refreshing look in your homes, but still easy enough to do that you probably won't need to hire a professional for it.

Take a look :)

Start with a mason jar light fixture. For helpful instructions on how to make this $400 light for much much less,               follow this link.

Staining your own hardwood floors may seem like a large undertaking, but trust me when I say it is SO worth it! For a much less expensive look, you can't even tell the difference from buying it already stained, to doing it yourself. For some recommended stains, click here.

There are so many things you can do yourself from the picture above. I would start by taking the hardware from the cabinets and spray painting them. Yes.. spray paint! I have done that with all of my hardware in my house and the difference in color is REMARKABLE. It is updated & way too easy. Plus it saved me nearly $400! Totally worth it if you ask me.  

Painting the cabinets is maybe a really huge job, but if you get your friends together for a weekend of fun, it will be done in no time. By choosing a white or a neutral color it can really freshen up a space.

Another awesome idea is to bring in fresh plants. The upkeep of them can seem like a hassle at times but seriously they can make a space feel alive like you wouldn't believe.

Pretty much I am just convinced there is a simpler, more affordable way to do ANY transformation in your home. & If not, then you can splurge on something after DIYing other things. It's a perfect solution :) & Now after all has been said & (hopefully!) done, can you picture the beautiful masterpiece of a room that you've created?? It's magical, or soon will be, I am sure of it.

So happy decorating!
xo Addison


Melanie Saucier said...

Loooove this post! I'm in the refreshing process of a full oak 2000's typical kitchen and I actually started to paint my cabinets in white. The difference is IMPRESSIVE! It already look more contemporary. My husband can't believe his eyes ;) Now the mason jars will be my next project...Thanks for the inspiration!

Shelly Bean said...


I don't know how I missed this comment.. please forgive me!

That is so exciting to hear you are refreshing things in your life. Ahhh you have to share with us if there is anything too awesome to not share! Haha.

Thanks for reading :)

xo Addison