Monday, October 8, 2012

so many options

Do you ever feel like with a maxi you're stuck on deciding which shoe to pair with it? Or even that you are unsure if you can mix & match a different color & pattern together?

Well this is what I believe: wear what makes you happy! It truly doesn't matter what other people think.. which is a hard concept to grasp sometimes. But I feel so strongly about personal style because we should be able to express ourseleves in whatever way makes us feel like our very best self!

So that's my challenge to you this week. Wear something daring.. something you normally wouldn't pair together, or something you've never mixed & matched before. It'll be a great refresh for your soul & mind.

Or should I say SOEL.

... :)

Take a look!

never be afraid to mix & match, because to us, every style is beautiful :) top $26 belt $38 maxi $74. lots of shoe options too.. see below!

up close & personal. navy flats $38 chunky heel boot $149 toms $54

So, readers, if you got anything out of this blog post today I hope it is this: dress for what makes you your happiest YOU!

Take the world by storm. & keep enjoying this beautiful fall life we are so blessed to be enjoying.
xo Addison

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I've never stopped by Soel boutique before today but I'm glad I did and found this post! You are so right, people should just wear what they want and feel beautiful. There are too many "rules" out there!

Thanks Addison!