Last weekend I was at the Sundance Outlet in Salt Lake when I feel in love with these floor pillows. Sadly I left without one, so I found a step-by-step guide that I would love to try because who doesn't want a pretty pouf?
-Printouts of the pattern
-2 Yards of 54-inch0wide linen burlap
-1 old light solid-color bed sheet--any size (or 3 years of 45-inch-wide muslin)
-Straight pins
-Sewing machine
-1 spool heavy duty/upholstery thread to match burlap
-2 large garbage bags full of fabric items for stuffing (old clothing, worn towels, fabric scraps)
-1 5# box of fiberfill
1 roll fusible-web tape
-Large embroidery or straight upholstery needle
-4 skeins embroidery floss to match or contrast

Download and print the patterns (number of copies of each shape needed is indicated on each pattern). Cut out the shapes.
Using tape, piece together the larger pattern following the instructions. When pieced together, the pattern will look like a rectangle with a triangle on each end.
Piece and tape together the octagon pattern
*Pattern is found at the website listed below

There are step-by-step directions on this website:
Don't forget to send us a picture of your pretty pouf :)
Happy Monday!
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